

The network is centered on the anthropological and demographic approach of past populations. To ensure scientific dynamism and encourage the emergence of new tracks, this international thematic network aims to go beyond the traditional boundaries between paleodemography and historical demography by the joint use of textual sources and biological archives, usually run separately; decompartmentalize major chronological divisions by talk prehistorians, historians and contemporary times; to exploit synergies between the disciplines within the humanities and social sciences, mathematics, life sciences and geosciences.

Bringing researchers who agree to take a new look at the demography of populations of the past, this network:

- Supports research programs around four main themes.

- Promotes exchanges between its members, privileged access to different sources (databases, repositories, statistical tools ...) and sharing of methodological know-how and practices.

- Promotes and disseminates the work of its members (conferences, seminars and workshops, articles, collective works) and ensures the transmission of knowledge (specialized teaching, training and supervision of research);

- Responds to tenders with a scientific position clearly identified and a team that have reached sufficient critical mass.


Because of its specific scientific position, for the plurality, diversity and internationalization of its members, the network IN-
HOPPE aims to:

Offer an interdisciplinary approach and diachronic demographic behavior of past populations.

Provide greater visibility to these thematic studies and build an original scientific position.

Promote the emergence of new avenues of research and develop the results.

Facilitate access to laboratories, equipment, collections, repositories.

Ensure the welcoming and training of students and young researchers.

Identify collaborators who are able to solve a problem

Ensure the transmission of knowledge through targeted training

Mobilize the skills to respond to various calls for bids.

Links for more info

Regroupement de chercheurs et des équipes  travaillant dans les domaines de recherche intéressant l’approche démographique des populations du passé, les actions du réseau visent à encourager et développer des collaborations scientifiques pérennes, interdisciplinaires et internationales.